Monday, June 20, 2011


Tempat : Kem Cinta Alam Kelimat 
Aktiviti : Perkhemahan Pergerakan Puteri Islam Daerah Kuala Kangsar
Tarikh : 17 - 19 Jun 2011

Sesekali keluar dari lingkungan persekitaran  sendiri memang menyeronokkan , terutama berada di dalam  persekitaran yang menghijau. Sambil menunggu pelajar menyiapkan diri mereka , sayapun merakam pemandangan alam selepas subuh.
Terletak di tepi Sungai Perak
Jam 6.30 pagi, saya turun dari 
chalet penginapan ini...... dorm pelajar yang 
sedang menyiapkan diri .
Hari masih gelap dan saya ditemani 
oleh  kicauan burung yang sangat 
kuat bunyinya..........
....serta nyamuk yang banyak. Terasa gatal
tangan dan kaki digigit oleh nyamuk.
Saya susuri hentian ini.....
....dan terus melangkah sambil 
menyedut udara segar.....
Deretan chalet tempat saya menginap .
Hentian tempat perbincangan 
guru pemimpin PPIM
Saya terus melangkah menikmati 
keindahan alam ini
dan merakam titi gantung laluan kami ini .
Hari semakin terang 
tetapi kem ini terasa sunyi
Padang tempat aktiviti kami , dirakam 
dari tempat kami bersarapan.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Blast off fat faster

1.“.....if you’re cool,” says Len Kravitz, PhD, coordinator of exercise science at the University of New Mexico. “Being too hot stresses your body out, so you don’t perform as well.”

2.“Wearing a heart-rate monitor makes it easier to burn more body fat by showing just how hard you’re really working,” Kravitz says. “Keeping your heart rate in the right zone prevents you from slacking off, so you make the most of every minute.”

3.“Warming up for five minutes before each workout helps you lose more weight,” says Heather Dillinger, an IDEA Health and Fitness Association elite-level personal-fitness trainer. “It  increases their range of motion, so you end up using more muscle fibers as you exercise.”

4. “Saving your energy for the end of your cardio workout may prevent you from losing as much weight as you can,” says metabolism expert Dixie Stanforth, of the department of kinesiology and health education at the University of Texas at Austin.

5. “Two smaller workouts can be more effective than one,” Stanforth reveals. That’s because every time you do high-intensity exercise, your metabolism stays revved for an hour or more afterward. Splitting up your workout boosts your metabolism twice, giving you additional calorie-burning time from the exact same routine.

6. If you’re convinced that you’re melting fat while exercising, you’ll make a mind-body connection that will actually help you lose fat faster, Dillinger explains. In a 2007 Harvard study, participants who believed they were getting a good workout showed greater reductions in body fat than subjects who performed the same activities but didn’t feel like they were really exercising.

7. “The less time you rest between sets when strength training, the more calories you’re likely to burn,” Dillinger notes. “Keeping rest periods short keeps your heart rate at a higher rate, which naturally increases the number of calories you’re using.”

Alzheimer Disease

-is a form of dementia caused by the destruction of brain cells.  Dementia is the loss, usually progressive, of cognitive and intellectual functions. Alzheimer type dementia can be characterized by initial short-term memory loss, which eventually becomes more severe and finally incapacitating.

Ways to Protect                                                                                 

1. Physical activity

Research from the University of Illinois has suggested that regular aerobic activity—like running, walking, or bicycling, which require oxygen to produce energy—may do a better job of protecting brain function than nonaerobic activity, which does not recruit oxygen and uses short bursts of motion (golf, tennis, and lifting weights).


2. Weight control

The heavier a person is, the more likely he or she may be to develop Alzheimer's. Thompson published research that found that the brains of older individuals who were obese (with a body mass index over 30) had approximately 8 percent less brain volume than subjects of normal weight (BMI between 18.5 and 25).


3. Mental challenges

The brain's ability to reorganize neural pathways with new information or experiences means it's regularly changing; we can even generate new brain cells. But you need to work it. The general guideline, says Neil Buckholtz, chief of the dementias of aging branch at the National Institute on Aging, is regularly engaging in "some kind of new learning that challenges you."


4. Social connections

Research has found that people with larger social networks, while they had similar amounts of the plaques and tangles of Alzheimer's as did more isolated people, were less affected cognitively. And separate research suggests that psychological distress over the long term significantly raises a person's risk of developing Alzheimer's.


5. Healthy diet

"What we have pretty good evidence for is that a diet higher in vegetables and lower in fat is [protective,]" explains Thies. While the evidence doesn't offer up any recipes for success, the general recommendation is to get plenty of veggies and fruits with dark skins, like spinach, beets, red bell peppers, onions, eggplants, prunes, blackberries, strawberries, red grapes, oranges, and cherries, according to the Alzheimer's Association. Some evidence suggests green, leafy cruciferous vegetables, in particular, are helpful. Eating fish high in omega-3 fatty acids may be beneficial.


6. Chronic disease control

Buckholtz notes that "high blood pressure in old age is a very strong risk factor for developing Alzheimer's later on, but if you can keep the blood pressure down, that decreases your risk." And a study published in the journal Dementia & Geriatric Cognitive Disorders found that people in their 40s who had mildly elevated cholesterol were at greater risk of developing Alzheimer's later in life.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Mindset to Work

Conventional wisdom says employers are looking for employees who have the perfect skill set for the job at hand. However, new research conducted with the help of the world's top employers and scholars overwhelmingly suggests otherwise.

In the new book, Put Your Mindset to Work: The One Asset You Really Need to Win and Keep the Job You Love, Harvard lecturer and PhD Paul Stoltz and co-author James Reed reveal that employers are most interested in candidates who have a certain mindset — regardless of skill set.

Actually, a resounding 96 percent of employers say they would prefer to "hire, promote, pay and retain" people with a particular mindset over a desired skill set. And 98 percent of employers thought it more likely that a person with the right mindset could easily develop the right skill set if they had to, rather than the other way around.
Stoltz sat down with The Daily Ticker's Aaron Task to "define and quantify" what mindset means to employers. He calls his findings the "3G Mindset". It consists of the top three qualities that employers consider most important: global, good and grit.

As Paul explains to Aaron, here's what each "G" means :

Global: This is the big picture perspective. It is your ability to lift your eyes out of the weeds, look at the world and understand the ripple effect of your actions.

Good: This is the sensitivity to people and awareness of and the inkling to do good for others around you.

Grit: This is the intestinal fortitude, that uncommon tenacity, intensity, resilience in everything that you do.

Not only do nearly all employers want to hire people with a winning 3G mindset, they would trade 7.2 "normal" employees for just one person with the perfect winning mindset, says Stoltz.

So how do you demonstrate that you have these to employers?
Simply take one of these 3Gs and put into action in a way that creates a compelling result, whether it is in a cover letter, resume or during the interview. Here are two examples Stoltz gives:
  • Example (good and grit): I fought through several layers of bureaucracy for two years to get a new wellness program implemented in our company.
  • Example (good and global): I volunteered to mentor new hires before and after work hours and cut first-90-day turnover by 72 percent.

You're likely wondering by now about how this all translates into salary -- especially if employers consider one winning mindset 7 times more valuable than a "normal" employee. Stoltz says people with 3G mindsets not only tend to make more money, but they become simply invaluable to employers, which is critical if the time comes for layoffs.

Stress in childhood

Parents can help children respond to stress in healthy ways. Following are some tips:
  • Provide a safe, secure, familiar, consistent, and dependable home.
  • Be selective in the television programs that young children watch (including news broadcasts), which can produce fears and anxiety.
  • Spend calm, relaxed time with your children.
  • Encourage your child to ask questions.
  • Encourage expression of concerns, worries, or fears.
  • Listen to your child without being critical.
  • Build your child's feelings of self-worth. Use encouragement and affection. Try to involve your child in situations where he or she can succeed.
  • Try to use positive encouragement and reward instead of punishment.
  • Allow the child opportunities to make choices and have some control in his or her life. This is particularly important, because research shows that the more people feel they have control over a situation, the better their response to stress will be.
  • Encourage physical activity.
  • Develop awareness of situations and events that are stressful for children. These include new experiences, fear of unpredictable outcomes, unpleasant sensations, unmet needs or desires, and loss.
  • Recognize signs of unresolved stress in your child.
  • Keep your child informed of necessary and anticipated changes such as changes in jobs or moving
  • Seek professional help or advice when signs of stress do not decrease or disappear.